Tuesday, September 22, 2009

you get what you pay for.

so, saw this awesome deal at Kroger's today. 10 boxes of frozen fettuccine Alfredo for 5 bucks. can't beat that, i think to myself. so I load up my cart with alfredo, and I get home and cook it, and it is awful. I mean, noodles are rock hard, not enough sauce, something crunchy in there....just awful. so i've got 9 boxes of this stuff to put up with. may be i'll feed it to Carma and Rambo if they're good.
Saw an old friend at wotk today and was shocked at how much she had changed. It's crazy when the last time you see someone they're a john deer lovin' redneck and 2 years later they're a scene chick. took me a minute to recognize her at first.
I made quite a few tips today, like i suspected. mwhahaha maybe i should do this more often.
no i'm just kidding. I want my freakin' thumb back.
I also made a really really pretty cafe mocha today. i was pretty proud of it.
Denny took out a loan to get a wireless system for today. he noticed that all the bands their up against this Sat. use them, so the whole band agreed to buy them. he's been wanting one for a long time anyway, but that means i can't get him one for christmas like i was planning. lunkily i know exactly what to get him to go with it now.
If you're reading this and you live in Cinncinatti OH, please go to The Underground and support The Addiction this sat. They're the underdogs really. 50% is audience response and two of the bands their against are from OH.
you can see show details on their myspace. .

Well, here's you're LOL kiddies:

see more Political Pictures

it's not often I find and LOL that actually amkes me laugh out loud. But this one did.

have a good'un!


Shea Posey said...

I just gave you a blog award, go check it out!!!