Monday, September 14, 2009

Hey, Monday!

Life is full of ironies. For example, it would be ironic that the only work week I've ever had that has every day scheduled to work, I would have a monster of a cold. Not to mention Denny has to go to the doctor Wed. and have his stitches taken out.
I hate colds. with a passion, more than anything else. when you try to sleep, your nose stuff up and you can't breathe, and then when you go to work it's all sneezing and runny noses, (which no one wants to see or hear when you work in a cafe...) I'm convinced that cold germs are actually intelligent beings that thrive on your insanity. Also, you're throat and mouth seem permanently dry when suffering from a cold. I've drank so much water, and it might as well just be evaporating on my tongue....I'm sure you've heard enough about colds, so I won't go into how much I hate the chapped lips or the head that feels like exploding. Anyway, moving on.
I went to my cousin's house and watched some old home videos of our friends and us 5 years ago. I have realized now, it's a wonder anyone could stand me. For those who had to put up with me in school and my constant silly dances and what I thought was "witty dialogue", I sincerely apologize. The experience was bitter sweet. On the negative side, I've gained about 25 pounds since then. However, the silver lining is that my face actually has cleared up a LOT since then.
I need to do dishes and laundry, but considering how I'm feeling, I've decided I'm going to do enough dishes at work, and I've got enough clean clothes to last a couple more days at least. Viva la procrastination!

well I think I'll sign off with LOL's. This one gave me a particular giggle because Denny said just the other day that he thought this same thing when he got his first shots....

political pictures for your blog
see more Political Pictures
:) Have a good'un everyone.



Organic Meatbag said...

I'm 35 and I still cringe at shots...hahaha!