Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The ups and downs of Autumn.

I have mixed feelings about this time of year. My house stays really really cold for one, and we're planning on getting a couple of energy saving baseboard heaters this year instead of using the coal stove. It'd be nice to get rid of that thing and have room to build a closet in my room. Also I wouldn't have to worry about birds anymore, (I got another one out this morning.) We've been sleeping with an electric blanket the last couple nights, for whatever good it does ME. Denny tends to steal covers. Carma sure loves it though. She's sleeping under it right now. Shes a little mad at me cause I won't let her have chips.
I can use my thumb pretty good though, but I physically CAN'T bend it all way down. I'm afraid that I won't ever be able to again once the scar tissue sets up. Which means I'm gonna have to learn to adapt as far as artowrk goes. my hand writing might stay perpetually sloppy too. I feel sorry for Angie for having to interpret my writing on orders this last two weeks.
Speaking of work, I finally have a day off today. And I'm just wasting it. I guess I'll clean my house eventually. I don't really know. I'm thinking about taking all my dirty dishes to my mom's and using her dishwasher. Seriously.
Was going to try and bust out a piece for the art show this year, but saw in the paper that the prize is $5. Oh, but the "people's favorite" prize is $10! To put in perspective, last year the prize was $100 and a trophy. This recession must have hit the McCreary County Tourism thing hard this year.
Friday is Denny's show at McCrearyFest. This is their first hometown show. They have two country bands opening for them. That just says something else about this place huh? It's expected to be crazy at the coffee shop sat., since it's right smack in the middle of all the fun. Wanted to set up a booth to paint faces with amanda this year, but they decided to let me do it at the Halloween Train. Which is going to be awesome and I can't wait. Oh yeah, Shea, we need volunteers for the train. Wanna be a zombie? :D
Speaking of Shea, I love her layouts over at Lovin' Every Minute of It and snatched one from the place she gets hers. Hope you don't mind Shea :)

Here's your LOL lovelies:

epic fail pictures
see more Fail Blog

ummmm? okay then.

have a good'un.


Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Talk about a busy day. The way things usually goes is, right when Nina goes to the grocery store for more cake stuff, a million people come in all at once. and at least 3 of them order complicated drinks. My feet are killing me.
Well, the boys didn't make it into round 2, yet. They still haven't announced the wildcards yet though, so they still have a chance. But I have a feeling Denny's going to be down about it anyway.
I got my stitches out but I have to wear these strip things til they fall off. I still can't get my thumb wet either. I can use it a little more, though which makes my work day go a little easier.
Huh. thought I had more to blog about. Oh. well. Here's your LOL:
funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

I'm just amazed that the cat hasn't ate the lizard yet.

have a good'un.

Monday, September 28, 2009

bite the bullet.

I've come to the realization that I've been avoiding college.
I'm going to be honest, I know when I got married, I told everyone that "it'll be a year off and then I'll go back". A year passed, and then another year, and then another. I got angry when a friend stopped me in Rite-Aid and asked me "why the hell I wasn't in college". But I was really angry at myself. I'm smart enough, dammit, so what's the problem? And do you want to know the truth? I'm scared. I'm terrified, because I'm afraid I can't do it. But Denny has decided to take online courses to become a RN. and He doesn't knw the first thing about college, and nevre intended to go. and you know what? If he can be that brave to just step out into the unknown and do it, well so can I. so tonight I'm filling out a FAFSA and then I'm applying to Penn Foster to get my associates degree in graphic design. The thought make my stomach clench, but I'm gonna do it.
A good reason why it needs to be done is because I only have $35 to my name, and it's going to cost $30 to get my stitches taken out today.

Alright, onto something less serious. Sat. was probably the most hectic day I've ever had. the plan was to leave for Ohio at 10:00 am, and I think we maybe left at 1:00pm. we got to The Underground by the skinof our teeth. The poor band couldn't catch a break since Derrick's guitar strap broke right before going on stage, and only Zac could go out while they fixed it. Zac played it off nicely I think though :). Derrick's strap fell off again on the last song and Denny just played his guitar parts while he sang, but the audience didn't know that he wasn't supposed to lay down his guitar, and they started clapping to the music inthe song, so it turned out great though. Denny thinks it was a disaster, but he's always like that They find out tuesday at 10 am if the advance. Denny's worried because the next round is right around when Joni's baby is due. I told him I'm sure it'll be fine.

and, LOL:
funny pictures of dogs with captions
see more dog and puppy pictures

this looks just like Pooh! and everyone who owns a dog will know that the second they see a dead animal they're all up in that.

have a good'un.


Friday, September 25, 2009

(Insert Witty Title)

yeah, I got nothing as far as titles go today. I got a paper cut on my left pointer finger trying to open the sterile gauze pad for my thumb this morning. I looked like I stuck my hand in like, a blender or something at work, covered in bandages like that.
Frustrated cause I actually bought some Gaia Cash for, and their cash shop isn't even working...
Ohio tomorrow! Can't wait to watch the guys play. I actually put the directions to The Underground and a mall into Amanda's TomTom ahead of time this time. that way we're not doing it at the last second.
Denny and Derrick and Jordan are going to Knoxville tonight to buy wireless systems.
Well, thats about it. I'm going to go call JJ Genoe and see if she's busy.
but before I go, here's your daily dose of what makes me LOL:
sports pictures, Jonathan Papelbon, Boston Red Sox
see more Sports Pictures

hee hee.

have a good'un.


Thursday, September 24, 2009


the first half of this day kinda flew by.the second half of this day crawled.
just got done adding people for the band. Denny wants me to max out the add quota for Cincinnati each day and I tell you, that's hard. i got to page 200 before I finally hit it.
I watched the show Eastwick last night, and I have mixed feelings. I love it, but I'm sad that it wasn't about the daughters from the movie. In fact it almost seemed like the movie made over, except the blond was the artist, the brunette was the prude, and the red head was the one with a million kids, where in the Witches of Eastwick, brunette is artist, red head is prude, and the blond is the mom. I know that's reading into it a lot, but I love that movie.I gotta say the guy they got to play Darrell could definitely pass for a young fit Jack Nicholson.
Vampire Diaries on tonight. I like that show cause it's the edgier version of Twilight.
I am super sleepy and I don't know why. I thinkI'll nap for like 30 minutes. so here's your LOL:
levar burton and brent spiner
see more Lol Celebs
I <3 Data. I miss you Star Trek TNG

have a good'un

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

a blog award?! awesome!

hooray! my lovely friend Shea over at Lovin' every minute of it gave me a blog award! I didn't even know what a blog award was lol.

and here's the survey that goes with it.

1. Where is your cell phone?in-planning
2. Your hair? up
3. Your mother? proud
4. Your father? happy
5. Your favorite food? manhattans
6. Your dream last night? nonexsistant
7. Your favorite drink? sprite
8. Your dream/goal? artist
9. What room are you in? studio
10. Your hobby? drawing
11. Your fear? bridges
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? happy
13. Where were you last night? Home
14. Something that you aren’t? coordinated
15. Muffins? chocolate-cappuccino
16. Wish list item? tablet
17. Where did you grow up? McCreary
18. Last thing you did? eat
19. What are you wearing? capris
20. Your TV? off
21. Your pets? dogs
22. Friends? goofy
23. Your life? chaotic
24. Your mood? proud
25. Missing someone? denny
26. Vehicle? tnonexsistant
27. Something you’re not wearing? earrings
28. Your favorite store? bookland
29. Your favorite color? colorwheel
30. When was the last time you laughed? hour
31. Last time you cried? thursday
32. Your best friend? Amanda
33. One place that I go to over and over? cafe macchiato
34. One person who emails me regularly? myspace
35. Favorite place to eat? King Buffet
Here are the rules for the Over the Top Award!
1. You Can Only Use One Word!
2. Pass this along to 6 of your favorite bloggers!
3. Alert them that you have given them this award!!!
4. Have Fun!!

And since I don't really know that many bloggers, I'm posting those I know and some awesome blogs I found on 20SB.

2. Mira Belleza Everyday: Painting On A Daily Basis 

3. Life of Leetid

okie dokie then. Today was pretty fun at work. Chicken and dumplin day again. I can't believe it's almost been a week since I did this to my thumb! it feels like I just did it yesterday. I'm worried it might be infected, and thinking about putting antibiodic ointment on it. I think it should be healed up enough for that right? mom found out she's lost 61 pounds. she's under 200 for the first time in 20 years and she's busting with happiness. I'm super proud of her :) and now that they've found her thyroid problem, when she starts taking medicine for that she'll lose even more.
Talked to the editor at The Voice today. he told me to bring some stuff in about the addiction and he'd do a piece on them for McCreary fest.

well, thats it. here's your LOL:

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

I wanna see the video of how this went down.

have a good'un!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

you get what you pay for.

so, saw this awesome deal at Kroger's today. 10 boxes of frozen fettuccine Alfredo for 5 bucks. can't beat that, i think to myself. so I load up my cart with alfredo, and I get home and cook it, and it is awful. I mean, noodles are rock hard, not enough sauce, something crunchy in there....just awful. so i've got 9 boxes of this stuff to put up with. may be i'll feed it to Carma and Rambo if they're good.
Saw an old friend at wotk today and was shocked at how much she had changed. It's crazy when the last time you see someone they're a john deer lovin' redneck and 2 years later they're a scene chick. took me a minute to recognize her at first.
I made quite a few tips today, like i suspected. mwhahaha maybe i should do this more often.
no i'm just kidding. I want my freakin' thumb back.
I also made a really really pretty cafe mocha today. i was pretty proud of it.
Denny took out a loan to get a wireless system for today. he noticed that all the bands their up against this Sat. use them, so the whole band agreed to buy them. he's been wanting one for a long time anyway, but that means i can't get him one for christmas like i was planning. lunkily i know exactly what to get him to go with it now.
If you're reading this and you live in Cinncinatti OH, please go to The Underground and support The Addiction this sat. They're the underdogs really. 50% is audience response and two of the bands their against are from OH.
you can see show details on their myspace. .

Well, here's you're LOL kiddies:

see more Political Pictures

it's not often I find and LOL that actually amkes me laugh out loud. But this one did.

have a good'un!

Monday, September 21, 2009


so, word's of wisdom, never ever ever try to change a bandage by yourself when the wound is on your other hand's thumb. you'll end up with the taste of medical tape in your mouth and the weirdest looking bandage ever. also, i hit my injured thumb with my left hand trying to break the tape with my teeth. it's hurting like crzy. when my dad wakes up i'll have him redo it i think but it works for now.
 as promised i took a pic of my little gash. keep in mind this wa before i cleaned it. WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT
hope you can still eat today. speaking of eating and restaraunts and stuff, i go back to work today. wish me luck.
on a lighter note i think my dog's gone crazy. she's now convinced there is ALWAYS a bird in the stove.

ignore my messy house. i'm injured for crissakes.

well, here's you LOL:

sean bean
see more Lol Celebs

hee hee. this just tickled my funny bone.
have a good'un


Sunday, September 20, 2009

when it rains...

interesting night last night. The Addiction came is 2nd. Another bird got into my stove, and my dog was bent on killing it. i put carma on a chain and put her outside and opened the door to let the bird out. and I guess this FREAKIN huge spider was just waiting for an opportunity to come in the house. Also the bird is confused, cause it's dark outside and light in here so it doesn't know which way to go. So there i am with a bird flying around my head trying to kill a giant spider with a hammer while my dog barked outside. It was pretty hilarious. In the end though, i killed the spider and my dad came up to my house with gloves and rescued the bird. Another bird got into it this morning, but it knew to fly out the door. it was probably the same one. My stove pipe looks like a great home to bluebirds before they get trapped in it.
i changed my bandage myself this morning. it looks pretty gnarly under there. I'm going to take a picture next time. don't worry, i'll put a graphic content warning by the link when i do. Still not sure how i'm going about work tomorrow. I'll just have to see when i get there. hopefully Nina won't decide to give me the week off, b/c i have a feeling if people see their waitress is injured they're likely to tip more. also, i need to tip money b/c we're going to ohio next sat. b/c The Addiction is in the national BOTB at the underground in Cinn. OH. we're getting a motel and all the good fixings, so i need the extra money.
denny's recording. i think todays the last day before the cd's done.

here's your LOL:
funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

and they will try too.

have a good'un!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

if stitches were fishes

still crippled.
my hub's band has a show tonight, 9pm @ cruisers in somerset ky. their myspace is
it's eerie how many women i've talked to in the last 2 days have had a glass break outta nowhere washing dishes. it's an undocumented phenomenon. i had my dad change my bandage today. i can move my other 4 fingers on my right hand now, but my thumb is crazy sore. i'll admit i'm desperatly needing to wash my hair but haven't quite figured out how thats gonna work yet.

I'm on bulletin posting duty for the band tonight. every so often posting bulletins on myspace announcing a countdown til showtime. denny saw other bands doing it so he thought it'd be a good idea.

so, here's your LOL everyone.
jonas brothers
see more Lol Celebs
sounds like a plan!

have a good'un


ARRRR hope ye be havin' a bloody good talk like a pirate day.

Friday, September 18, 2009

stitch cherry popped.

so as you can see i'm not bothering with any caps today. washing dishes last night the glass i had my hand down in cleaning suddenly shattered. i sliced my thumb open (my right thumb) right on the joint. there was lots of screaming and crying on my part. denny stayed remarkably calm. he got me calm, kept me from passing out, and got bleeding stopped. very grateful for him. went to ems station were they bandaged it. went to doc today and tank lawson gave me my first 6 stitches ever. the crappy thing is i can't move my thumb or get it wet for 10 days. so i'm going to pretty much be useless at work. i can't even put my hair in a ponytail by myself! and it has to be up for work. so yeah.
this is all i'm going to type since i'm using 1 1/2 hands to do it and the one thats not sliced open isn't my dominant hand.
being rendered a leftie is pretty crappy too.

funny pictures of dogs with captions
see more dog and puppy pictures

have a good'un


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Pull and pray.

I learned a new phrase at work today. "Pull and pray". It's apparently a form of birth control. Let's see if you can figure it out.
Lady's Lunch Bunch always comes in on Thursdays, so it's always a little crazy on Thursdays, but on top of that we also had a bunch a forest rangers, a couple on a date and out lovely New Zealander friend Coleen drop by. All at the same time. So noon was a bit hectic for me today.
Not much else happened today. So here's an LOL.

lady gaga and eminem
see more Lol Celebs
lady gaga totally looks like wilson the volleyball
see more Celeb Look-A-Likes

Two for one, today, since I have absolutely nothing to blog about.
Have a good'un


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

more rain with a chance of stitches.

So, that idea I was telling you about? It turned out pretty cool. just waiting on permission from the stock photographers to actually be able to use it as album art.
Denny got his stitches taken out today. I think he may have passed out on our bed now from exhaustion.
Today was Chicken N' dumplin day at work, so naturally it was pretty busy. Us kentuckians can't hardly resist some good 'ol homemade dumplins. Nothing really exciting about work other than that....
I think Carma might have worms. She eats an awful lot to be so skinny. I'm going to worm her tomorrow just in case.

aaaand that's it for today. Here's your LOL:
funny pictures of dogs with captions
see more dog and puppy pictures

If my Chihuahua and my german shep/rottweiler had a puppy, this would be it.

have a good'un everyone.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

step 2: Add a dash of rain....

So, it's raining. Hard. Nothing worse than having a cold then having to walk your dog in the rain. Work was pretty busy today. Quesadilla and Taco Soup Tuesdays usually brings 'em in. I was pretty mean to Denny yesterday...Cold's bring out the worst in me. Got an idea for some art for the band rolling around in my head. We'll see how it pans out.
Found out that the community college in my county might be offering an arts program in the spring. Totally excited about that because I need to go back to school.
well that's really all I got for today. I'm going back to bed, but first, here's your LOL for the day:
political pictures for your blog
see more Political Pictures

Well, at least he's trying.
Have a good'un.


Monday, September 14, 2009

Hey, Monday!

Life is full of ironies. For example, it would be ironic that the only work week I've ever had that has every day scheduled to work, I would have a monster of a cold. Not to mention Denny has to go to the doctor Wed. and have his stitches taken out.
I hate colds. with a passion, more than anything else. when you try to sleep, your nose stuff up and you can't breathe, and then when you go to work it's all sneezing and runny noses, (which no one wants to see or hear when you work in a cafe...) I'm convinced that cold germs are actually intelligent beings that thrive on your insanity. Also, you're throat and mouth seem permanently dry when suffering from a cold. I've drank so much water, and it might as well just be evaporating on my tongue....I'm sure you've heard enough about colds, so I won't go into how much I hate the chapped lips or the head that feels like exploding. Anyway, moving on.
I went to my cousin's house and watched some old home videos of our friends and us 5 years ago. I have realized now, it's a wonder anyone could stand me. For those who had to put up with me in school and my constant silly dances and what I thought was "witty dialogue", I sincerely apologize. The experience was bitter sweet. On the negative side, I've gained about 25 pounds since then. However, the silver lining is that my face actually has cleared up a LOT since then.
I need to do dishes and laundry, but considering how I'm feeling, I've decided I'm going to do enough dishes at work, and I've got enough clean clothes to last a couple more days at least. Viva la procrastination!

well I think I'll sign off with LOL's. This one gave me a particular giggle because Denny said just the other day that he thought this same thing when he got his first shots....

political pictures for your blog
see more Political Pictures
:) Have a good'un everyone.


Friday, September 11, 2009

my first blog post since forever.

So, I haven't kept a blog since I had a Xanga back in middle school. I know everyone does it, and my life's not that interesting as it is, but writing down my day to day dramas might be therapeutic for me. Right now I'm running late for work and waiting on my ride, so this will be short and sweet. Look forward to many happy posts!

Rika D