Monday, October 26, 2009

ups and downs.

Well, the Addiction didn't make it into the next round. they came just a few votes shy of it though, which really frustrated Denny.
Today has possibly been the most stressful day I've had all year. i'm apparently doomed to be a couple of days behind on my classes no matter what. Hopefully my financial aid advisor can get things going with my student loans in time to Overnight me my laptop/books within the next couple of days.
Coffee Shop was sooooo so so so so slow today. We had two costumers. TWO! And poor Nina was probably eat up with costumers as soon as I left...

and, well, thats pretty much all thats going on in my boring life right now.

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

Seriously, I LOL'd.
have a good'un.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

red tape.

Well, I'm almost through the red tape. All I have left is for my private loan info to go through to them and for them to process my questionnaire, and I'll officially be ready to start my classes at Full Sail. I'm very excited :D I'm also so nervous it hurts a little.
Denny finds out today at 3 whether or not the Addiction went through to the next round for the BOTB in Ohio. Cross your fingers and wish them luck!

The Halloween Train was very fun, but also extremely cold. And it's supposed to rain this weekend, so I don't even know if we're going to be having it....
I'm painting faces at the coffee shop on Halloween, and I've finally decided what my costume's going to be. But it's a surprise, so I'll post pictures then :)

LOL for your eyes ,dears.
daniel radcliffe and rupert grint
see more Lol Celebs

Not that they'll have much room to complain, being filthy rich and all.

Have a good'un!

Friday, October 16, 2009

delightfully terrified.

Well, I'm officially enrolled in full Sail University. I'm kinda freakin out because it happened so fast and it's so expensive. I mean, I'm officially in debt right now. All my extra spending money is going to go towards making payments on the private loan I had to take out for $2174 to cover the cost that wasn't covered by FAFSA and student loans. Which means no more eating at the restaurant unless I get something cheap. I'm also wondering if I should go and try to get food stamps again. They cut them out before but now I'm making way less money and I'm having to pay for college....I don't know.  My classes are supposed to start Oct. 26th and I'm kinda nervous. I mean, this all happened kinda fast. I wasn't even considering college 2 months ago!
I'm doing facepainting tonight at the halloween train and I don't have any paints! I went to look for them last night and apparently they're all gone. somehow I need to get to wal-mart today I guess.
My dad got a job as the criminal intelligence analyst at the sheriff's department. He finally got to quit his crappy nightwatch job, and he's never been happier.

well, here's an LOL. I'll try to post pics from the Halloween train later :)

lady gaga, eminem and tracy morgan
see more Lol Celebs

that outfit made me laugh. Can you tell?

have a good'un

Saturday, October 10, 2009

ok ok, I know...

Yeah, I've been kinda sparse on the posting lately. It' hard to blog when there's nothing to blog about.
The Addiction had a show in Lexington today at the Malabu Pub. Hopefully they're on their way home now but I don't expect Denny until like, 3 or 4. I'm going to try and get some much needed sleep in between here and then. Try being the key word. I've been reading Hearts in Atlantis by Stephen King and it may end up drawing me in.
I went to Jill's today and helped her scan and upload some pics to her Facebook. everyone has facebook :)
Full Sail contacted me and they're going to help me go through enrolling. My Finacial aid came through good, and I don't have to pay the enrollment fee. AWESOME. I'm really doing this...Wow...

okay, okay, LOL time.
robert kraft, rupert murdoch and vladimir putin
see more Political Pictures
In the land of Russia, where shadows lie..

Have a good'un folks.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I'm back :) Took a little unexpected break from blogging. McCrearyFest weekend really wore me down. I had off from work today and didn't get up until 1.
And while it was crazy at work on Sat., I only made $7 bucks in tips. People are pretty stingy at festivals it seems.
The Addiction's first hometown show was incredible. The Courthouse steps are almos tlike an ampitheater. and they redid a version of one of their songs into an acoustic version and had sarah Phillips come in to guest sing.

There's a link to the video :)

anway, there's not much to blog about today. so that's it folks :)
LOL time:

song chart memes
see more Funny Graphs

Most of the stuff I learned as a kid came from Bill Nye. I still want a grass covered car.

Have a good'un.

Friday, October 2, 2009

a foot in something...

I filled out my fafsa today. Jus thave to wait 3-4 days now.
Today's alreayd proving to be one of the longest days of my life. And it's going by super fast! at least it will until 2, which is when i'll have to go to work. Yep, 2-5 will feel like 8 hours.
I hate, hate hate hate waiting on pants to get dry. And It really gets on my nerves when people don't look to see whats clean before they decide they're going to wear it and NOTHING ELSE without a fight the next day.
I'm hungry and have no grocerices. And it's been drizzling all day. Hopefully, a miracle will occur and it won't rain during the show tonight. Speaking of the show, had to print out setlists and my dad's printer decides to go apeshit.

Ugh.I'll try to find something that makes me LOL:

sports pictures, Joe Flacco
see more Sports Pictures

okay so this got a littly inner giggle.

Try and have a good'un everyone.


Thursday, October 1, 2009

exited about school?

Well, I found out that Penn Foster is privately funded and doesn't accept financial aid. But I'll credit them that they are very quick to respond to questions and very friendly.
However, I've found a lovely little online school that I can get my bachelor's degree in graphic design at. And they accept financial aid! Full Sail University. They also have a bachelor's degree of science for Music Business that Denny's interested in. We're going to locate our 2008 tax return (yes I know, we should keep better track of that crap) and then fill out our fafsa's. Actually I'll probably end up filling out Denny's for him, but that's okay :) I think the school he was looking at the become an RN, you have to already have an associates degree in nursing or whatever before you meet the requirements. I've been trying to think about degrees that will help us in this county, and you know what? I've decided if we got our degrees we could move to a bigger city and I would be perfectly fine with that. Because as beautiful as this place is, it's just not friendly for a musician and an artist who want to make livings doing what they love to live comfortably in. About the only degree that really will do any good here would be in nursing, or law, or something to that extent. It also all depends on how the band pans out. Heck, if The Addiction got signed we wouldn't have to worry about it anyway :) but I'd still get my degree. I just want to be able to say "I went to college, dammit."
Work was super busy to be so slow today. We're preparing for the big McCreary Fest '09. I think with the way the weather's turning we're going to be selling a lot of hot drinks. I'm almost scared, I've heard so much about how crazy it was last year. Wish me luck!
The Addiction have their first hometown show tomorrow. Hopefully they get a good turnout!

LOL time!
sports pictures
see more Sports Pictures

I'm trying to figure out how on earth he got in that posistion...

Have a good'un!
